Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My best friend

I would like to take a moment to say more than just Happy Birthday to Ellen - a friend such as her deserves more than just that. Ellen is, of course, my bestest girlfriend in the whole world - pretty much the sister that I never had - and probably our relationship developed just like the friendship of sisters; when we were little, poor Ellen had to put up with me tagging along with her and her 'big' friends, and lucky for me, she was always so nice to me; even when other kids were mean (haha) she never joined in. I don't think she has a mean bone in her body - ahem, ask her brothers to clarify that. But seriously, as we grew older, our friendship grew too and I was just plain lucky to have her closeby. It's not like I ever had hard times that she had to help me through, besides the silly little things that teenagers think are SO important; but I definitely have the most and best memories with her...and the most important thing is that we could giggle and gossip and share our deepest thoughts and concerns...just as best friends do. It is amazing how friendships can remain through time and distance - thanks to cell phones!

It is fun to think about memories from when we were younger. It's actually funny that we did become such good friends, because we had such different personalities..and levels of maturity. haha. I remember going to her house and sitting at the dinner table long after dinner was over, because Ellen always liked to listen to the 'grown-up' conversation, while I'd just be dying to get upstairs and play with her Barbies, but I wanted so bad to NOT annoy her, so I'd sit there and sit there and finally she would read my mind, or maybe I actually asked her enough times, that she'd finally come play with me. She probably always wished that I didn't know about her Barbies so she didn't have to play with me - poor thing. I think she was past the point of being obsessed with playing Barbies and dolls like I was...why she still had them...either because she was too nice to get rid of them or her parents made her keep them. ?

Janette is lucky she had a daughter like Ellen and not a daughter like me - Ellen was always so helpful with dinner and dishes, and working in the meatshop...the best daughter you could ask for probably! I think she could make lasagne when she was 5. Then there was me...where was I? As far away from the kitchen as possible...unless Ellen was there...then I was all about helping out...the only task we were ever allowed to do together was make juice...which shouldn't have been allowed either...and serving punch at our Grandparent's anniversary party was disastrous thanks to me.

And now I think she is 30 (dangerous thing to say if she isn't yet - but I'm pretty sure - nice best friend, I don't even know her age!) and I'm getting close, and we have even more of lifes experiences to share; more in common; I can't even imagine not having my best friend Ellen.

I should have found a poem...instead of blabbing away...


Carmen said...

That was very sweet of you. All I did was write Happy Birthday on her facebook page. And yes she is thirty, but I wasn't going to mention that since I know it can be touchy.

Heather said...

ellen is awesome, and lucky to have a best friend like you!

Ellen said...

:-) What to say . . . except, THANKS! You really are a best friend and I'm the lucky one. Definitely the sister I didn't have. I actually learned a couple of things in your little note. And yes, I am 30, so I'm depending on you to keep me young! Love ya

Janette said...

Oh my goodness....I have to admit that your post brought a few tears!!! I miss her too....and a ditto to being thankful for cell phones to keep us close. You may not be the next "Galloping Gourmet", but your great sense of humor always cheers me up!! Please keep on being Brenda.

The Parsons Family said...

Brenda - what a nice birthday wish and memories to Ellen. Yes, she is a wonderful person and glad she has been such a good friend to you. But, you are also wonderful and we wouldn't want you any different!! And now you are both enjoying your little sweeties at the same time. So much to share.
Love you
Aunt Elaine