Friday, November 28, 2008

Pat myself on the back

I would like to give myself some public praise - that I have gone an entire month without buying new clothes for Paige - not one single thing! That is an enormous accomplishment for me and our family's budget.
I was convinced for awhile that I had a problem, so I had to prove to myself that I could overcome it without SA (shopoholics anonymous) meetings and intervention.

Speaking about shopping - I am curious how the sales numbers will add up for this years christmas season. Montana will probably still do ok, but some other states will be interesting. I am surprised that Bush didn't try to heroically squeeze out one more stimulus check to everyone to boost holiday sales. ha-ha. Adios dude. Those stimulus checks were the stupidest idea ever - seriously, they barely boosted our GDP enough to make a difference for one quarter. Anyway, I hate our tax system - I know the new won't be great, but the old one had worse consequences - I liked Ron Paul's idea about taxes. Do away with the IRS. If I thought he had a chance to win I would have voted for him. Anyway - besides taxes, I think our new President will do a fine job and I'm glad he won. I wrote up a posting quite awhile ago about the presidential election, but decided not to post it because I know that most of my readers for some reason or another didn't like Obama. I also went off on a few tangents and probably would surprise a few people. Regardless, I hate politics because some people let it get in the way of personal feelings about each other and I just didn't want to go there. I guess I have gone there now - but I'm not going to post my old write-up because it would be silly now - I mean it'd be like posting Happy Thanksgiving 3 weeks after the day. But put it this way, I'm glad that we have a President who is willing to ask questions to all the right people, surrounds himself with diversity, and is passionate about hope and will use hope to lead the people instead of fear. The other option was a President who had nothing to brag about except for his heroic military years, which there is something to be said for, but does not even come close to making him good President material. Oops there I go again...

Something to stimulate my brain

So, it's Friday after thanksgiving - I ate entirely too much turkey; and of course turkey makes you tired! I have a confession to make...Becky had invited us over to their side of the mountains to join in on what sounded like a very fun thanksgiving weekend but I told a white lie that I "asked and my boss wouldn't let me have Friday off." Well the truth is, that she had made an announcement that she would not be able to give anyone time off around the holidays - so I was too scared to ask for Friday off. I mean really, it was basically like her telling me that I couldn't have the day off, right? Well come to find out, the entire office was closed today anyway! Oops! Sorry Becky for kinda lying to you :( By the time I found out that I did have Friday off, we had already made plans to have Thanksgiving dinner with Jesse's grandma in Butte at some of her family's house. So we just made a quick day trip over and then I was excited thinking about how much I could get done being home for three days! house is kinda clean, but not as clean as I'd like - I got tired of cleaning. I still have not gotten half down my list of other things to do. Now that Paige is napping I am trying to work on homework, but that turkey I ate yesterday is still making tired and I can't focus on anything! So I thought I'd do a little blog posting to stimulate my brain and wake up a little. Although I apologize that it was probably completely boring for you to read! I think I will update the page a little. Time to delete the St Judes sponsorship list below - those of you donated, thanks again on behalf of St Judes and don't forget to write it off for 2008taxes..some of you might need all the tax breaks you can get! Anyway - I am replacing that list with a new list - of all of my favorite things/products that we use. I have been thankful before for recommended products from friends or family and thought I'd share a few of my favorite things.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

For Heather...and anyone else who cares

Heather, I'm so glad you are interested in our little life :) I love to read your blog...I spend more time blog hopping than coming up with things for my own! My other excuse is I have been up late too many nights working on homework. Here is the update since Halloween - Paige started in daycare. It is called Mother Goose and Gander and there are sooo many kids. It is actually a Child Development Center so she gets to learn how to read good too (what is that line from the movie Zoolander?) haha. She loves it, she loves the kids and it has been great so far.

My classes are going well. Right now they are Presentation Speaking and International Economics. Econ is a great class to be in right now, we have some great topics to discuss and I feel very smart now. Presentation Speaking is interesting - we have to give our presentations or speeches to a webcam and then upload it to i-Tunes. This online learning environment is great - it is not as hard to give a speech to your computer as it is to get up in front of a whole bunch of people! haha.

More on Paige - she bites me when she's mad...but no one else (except for her teddy bears)! Question for Moms - What do I do? Here is what I have done - snipped her in the mouth and set her on the floor. Then it's like we are in a fight and it seems childish on my part.
Other than that she is a doll and so much fun - the other day I was reading a book to her called "Go Dogs Go" and I get really animated when I say that because it is fun...and she now tries to say it..."do dah dooo." And because I am so fun when I read it, we read it all the time. :)
What else...oh, her grandparents bought her a baby and a stroller which she loves to play with soooo much. The stroller has a bottom compartment, much like real strollers do...and she has a smaller baby that she puts in there - he never comes out. I wonder if she remembers how Kenna rode in the stroller, and Jarris rode below. (See pictures below in previous post from when we were with Luke and Tammia in Chicago).

My blogging thoughts of late - politics, racism, and "my favorite things"
I'm nervous to post anything about politics or racism, but feel I need to to get it off my chest. Should I do it?

"My favorite things" will be coming soon.

Oh, and P.S. to Heather and her blog voters- I LOVE music on blogs. Why did so many people respond that they don't like music? Music always adds emotion and feeling, doesn't it?

One more P.S. - To Ellen and Quiana - I finally went through my two big pink tubs of shoes and counted them; I have 41 pairs of shoes and I just remembered that I forgot to include three pairs of boots. Do I win? I'm not proud - how ridiculous is that? 44 pairs! Actually, most of them have been in my closet for a few years. I decided to get rid of some and could only part with 3 pairs. What's a girl to do?