Sunday, July 19, 2009

Doing Laundry

Doing a load of laundry...and this is what I first see when opening the washing machine lid:

Little tiny pieces of newspaper? How did a newspaper page get into our washing machine? We don't even get the newspaper... Wait, WHAT is THAT lining the entire tub of the machine?...Not just a page but an entire newspaper? Strange...

Oh, wait, maybe I can read some of the shavings stuck to this dish towel...
Hey! That one right there in the middle says, "Austen" - Paige was "read-read-read" reading the Baby Names book earlier, maybe she put it in the clothes hamper....but really is that what it is?

And the mystery is solved when I find the spine of the book that once was, "Baby Names"

Apparently I put items in the washing machine without looking at what I am dumping in. I'm just glad it was just a load of dish rags and dish towels and not a load of Jesse's favorite shirts or something!

Disclaimer I: Do not jump to any conclusions about why we had a Baby Names book floating around the house...we have a few other things to clear off the agenda before Paige gets to be a big sister.
Disclaimer II: I don't do silly things like this ALLLL the time...

P.S. Do not tell Paige that her favorite book was destroyed by the washing machine or she'll never let us give Stinky Teddy a bath again!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


When Paige was 18 months I decided she was old enough that she might want to start coloring with me so I invested in a large crayon collection and a care-bear coloring book. I was so excited to start coloring together; She did not share my enthusiasm for coloring. Still at the age of 2 it is apparently more fun to throw the crayons and scatter them across the entire house, step on them, break them and peel the crayon wax with her fingernails? I don't get it. She won't even let me color on my own! She takes the coloring book away from me and takes the crayons out of my hands. WHEN will she start coloring with me?
Moms? Am I totally premature with this?

-Bummed Mommy

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Anniversary to us! 4years July 8th

My beautiful and wonderful bridesmaids - 4 of us have kids now! Might I add that Becky was a worthless bridesmaid because she was on the phone with her new boyfriend the entire time (taking a brief break for the wedding ceremony) - her new boyfriend happens to be her husband now, so I guess it was time well spent!

These kids were SO ADORABLE and were perfect wedding participants! They have changed so much since (still adorable though)!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sharing my birthday

Guess what - I just read NieNie today...our birthdays are on the same day! This is way better than sharing a birthday with a celebrity (like Prince William). She is one year older than me and has 4 kids! Wow.
If anyone doesn't know who I am talking about...scroll all the way down to my favorite links and read NieNie - Read back through her archives to learn her story and to get to know a very amazing and interesting person. I would love to meet her.
P.S. Also check out her AWESOME birthday party - balloons, cake and food! I should throw myself a party like that sometime! What fun it would be!