Monday, June 27, 2011

Prince Jace

My daughter is Sleeping Beauty one day, Cinderella the next, and Snow White the next. Jace is always the handsome prince. He'll be glad one day to know that she totally has it figured out and he never had to be a princess.

I've been a little busy and behind on some blog posts.

First an update on Jace. 4 months. He seems to be growing into himself a little, he had only gained 1 and 1/2 lb since 2 months, but Dr. was not concerned and neither am I. You could call him Mr. Smiley. And a flirt. If I may say, he loves his mommy :) He totally doesn't mind when I smother his face with kisses. And at 5 in the a.m. his eyes pop open and he starts smiling immediately, pretty hard to keep up with him if you know what I mean! He's found his voice and screeches alot, which is cute so far.
He's rolled over and loves doing it. He'd really just like to get up and run around I think. But I really hope he takes his time. This is going by WAY too fast - I just had to schedule is 6 month appointment already!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Paige's Dream

This morning on the way to drop the kids off at my parents house, Paige told me that she had a bad dream last night. I asked her what happened in her dream:

"I said Momma I fell down and you said Oh No you got dirt on your pants! And I said Yeah, I did! was like that."
