Sunday, March 25, 2012


The sun shines and we all break out of the house like caged animals...

We have been working a little with Paige riding her bike in our basement and have been so excited for a decent day when we could finally take her out on the bike path.
Today was the day! The sun was beee---uuuu-tiFUL! Oh man I can't wait for summer.

Here are some fun shots from our little family outing.

You might notice that we had to stop for random photo opps along the way. Paige really wasn't as excited about the bike ride as we were...but she still gave it a good "go." She had fun stopping every few seconds to pull out a new doll for a picture, and we were starting to wonder just how many dolls and things she had stuffed in her bike's carry pack. She also stopped for some patty-cake with Jace. And drinks of her sugar-free, caffeine free "energy-drink" ;)

I pushed Jace in the stroller and enjoyed the view from behind - Paige's feet barely reaching the bottom of the cycle, and Jesse the attentive guide as she constantly needed a little steering correction (mainly because she gazed off and forgot to steer)...and quite honestly I was really admiring our bike selection - I LOVE the hot pink and blue, the glitter, the princess decor, it's SO Paige :)

Thank you sunshine for making our day.