Saturday, December 4, 2010

For a second...

I finished a 2 hour test this morning, and have another that I'm saving for tomorrow. I don't feel like doing the dishes for the second time today, and I don't feel like starting laundry, and I don't feel like cleaning, Paige is preoccupied at the moment - I think I'll take a second for a little blogging. First, let me start by saying that it's hard to type in the reclined position I am in. I think I'm carrying this baby much lower (or I've just forgotten), but it feels so uncomfortable to just sit normal, there is this pinching and tight pressure that I feel if I sit up straight, and obviously I can't lean forward. And I think this is the last day I will wear these pants - sadly. They are my favorites. I wore them until the end last time...hmmm....what does that say about this time? Don't answer, I already know, I'll just have to work extra hard at the gym afterwards. Who doesn't like a challenge? ;) HA!

Ok, I just ran out of energy to even think about what to say on here. I think I'll just go and watch Paige do her puzzle. I love to watch her when she is so focused on something, it really is so sweet.

In closing, I'll just announce that I only have two more classes left until I'll be done with my Masters! In 12 weeks I will be done-done-done (with school)! Can I get a yeeee-haaaww?


Danelle said...

yeeee-haaaww!!!!! You are amazing Brenda, school, work and mom!!! I hope the last 12 weeks of school go great (as great as school can go). Miss you!!

Joellyn said...

That is soooo worth a yeee-haaaaw! Great job sticking with it and I just hope it pays off for you ten-fold.

Benjamin Ranch said...

how about a yeee-haaaaw and a whippity do da! Way to go girl!

Anonymous said...

Yee-haaww! Wow, Brenda. That is great. I'm very impressed.
