Friday, December 17, 2010

The Week's Top 10

The week's Top 10 sweet, cute, funny, random, stupid, silly, awkward, annoying, scary, whatever they may be, you decide:

#1. I just realized today that I rarely, maybe never, have dreams about Paige. Isn't that weird? But she is with her Papa and Grandma visiting Baby Hannah (and R & A) and I am missing her terribly. I dreamt last night that we were at a huge event(?) and there were tons and tons of kids and people, and Paige won a coloring contest. In my dream I even got to watch her go up on stage and get her prize :)

#2. Found out from my Doctor that the baby is currently breech. I've been wondering as the kicks are super low (where there is no room for kicks!) well as the fact that either the head or the bum is really pushing out right at my belly button, creating a watermelon shaped belly; as in the watermelon is sticking straight out, not sideways like you would normally carry a watermelon...if you know what I mean. Flip Baby, flip! (But carefully please).

#3. Entertained the thought of turning around and yelling at an old lady at the post office today. There was a line. I was at the end. She came in and got in line behind me. RIGHT behind me, totally invading my bubble. This would be annoying even when I'm not pregnant, but I happen to have extreme claustrophobia when I'm pregnant (poor Jesse, no hugs and cuddles). Her package was pushing into my back, and she kept bumping my purse (which was hanging on my shoulder), AND I could feel her breathing on my back! Everytime I moved, she moved - she's one of those people that can't wait for the line to move even an inch and she's all over it. She's lucky I had self-control.

#4. Homework due: Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Eastern time (5:00 p.m. my time). Homework completed: Wednesday 7:00:45 p.m. Eastern time (5:00:45 p.m. my time) Homework submitted: Wednesday 7:00:59 p.m. Eastern time (5:00:59 p.m. my time). Whew, barely made it. Oops. I've learned not to procrastinate, but some weeks I forget that I learned that.

#5. What a week at work! I wont' get into details. I'll just play it safe and say, I'm glad I'm busy, and continue to remind myself that wherever you go, and whatever you do, there will always be THOSE people who you just have to work with. Luckily the ones IN the local corporate office, who I see everyday, are wonderful. I also have to remember that accountants have a different mindset and character than sales people and technicians and they probably think I'm really annoying too. haha.

#6. E-mail etiquette. Such a wonderful tool for efficiency and ease of communication, but it comes with a horrible side effect. People forget their professional manners and courtesy's and write with attitude they would never have face-to-face. Whatever happened to greetings such as Hi John, and Thank you or Sincerely, Jane? You wouldn't believe some of the things I have witnessed flying around in e-mails. WOW. Also, I know I don't always write on my blog with proper puncuation, but when you're writing to co-workers, customers, your boss, business partners, etc. you should probably make sure you (a) make sense, (b) don't have an entire e-mail of one looooong run-on sentence with incomplete thoughts, and (c) aren't horribly misspelling or improperly abbreviating words and names. The BEST so far: one of our sales persons wrote an e-mail where she abbreviated "follow up" (numerous times in the same e-mail) as "f/u". Haha! It actually took me awhile to decipher what f/u meant. I mean, I know she wasn't really saying THAT, but it sure looked like it and sounded like it when I was reading it. She sent that e-mail to me, the company President, the company Vice-President and our Operations Manager. I sure hope she isn't too comfortable using abbreviations in her e-mails to customers!

#7. Kitchen + Me = Disaster. This actually happened last week I think. I was steaming broc for dinner. Let it steam too long and it didn't smell too great...awful actually. I heard one time that you should boil Listerine to get rid of bad odor and make the room smell nice. So I boiled Listerine. I boiled it good. I boiled it over because I was multi-tasking. Listerine burning on the stovetop actually doesn't smell good either. Jesse's advice: "You know you don't have to have it on high to boil, you can actually turn it down and it will still boil at 4 or 5 without boiling over." Who knew?

#8. Wednesday morning appetite. Baby growth spurt = Midnight snack and 3 breakfasts. 2 at home should have been good, right? Nope. Had to take a detour and stop at the golden arches for one more breakfast before heading to work. Oink oink.

#9. A little mini christmas tree at daycare. About it, Paige says, "That's a Baby Lawson tree!" Haha...cute! Our friends have a baby boy named Lawson. We got to babysit Baby Lawson one evening; Paige was really into him for about 10 minutes and then got tired of sharing. Good thing it's awhile before she'll have to share her toys with her baby sibling. Although...while on the phone with my mom today I overhead Paige telling Hannah, "That's my Grandma!" Sharing toys is probably not going to be the hardest thing - sharing people might not be very easy either.

#10. "Whew!" We had to make a quick trip to the store Wednesday evening after I picked up Paige from daycare. Paige was tired. She was trying to keep up with me (mind you I'm walking pretty slow these days) and she kept saying, "Whew!" Adorable. She does that alot actually, whenever she thinks that she is really working hard at something. I think she learned it from her Grandpa and Grandma, who do it in a playful way after walking up the stairs with her or something...and probably half the time it's a real "whew" as they probably are exhausted from crawling around and playing puppies with her! HAHA. (How did I end up with a child who loves to play puppy?) I remember Brad ALWAYS wanted to play puppies, and that was the one thing we did as kids that I always thought was so lame. I don't know that I even participated in playing puppy. Sorry Brad. I do now with Paige, and I still don't get it - what's so fun about being a puppy? Paige thinks it's great fun to lick our faces and our hands. She is the ONLY puppy I will ever allow to do this.


Elissa & Logan said...

Ha - definatley sweet, cute and funny! Thanks for the luaghs Brenda - LOVE IT!

candy said...

LOVE this post and the update :) Hugs and Merry Christmas to your little family.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Brenda. I laughed and laughed. You might want to mention to the gal at work about other meanings for her abbreviations. Save her some embarrassement. The again, it might cause you some embarrassement, let her figure it out on her own. I hope you have a great holiday.

Aunt Betty

Anonymous said...

By the way, Brenda. Did you know Dennis's nickname for me was Betty Burn 'em when we first got married. Our dinner bell was our smoke alarm. I can actually cook a decent meal now. I think there is hope for you in the kitchen department.


Joellyn said...

I love your posts! Good for lots of laughs. Eva was breach at 38 weeks and then turned on her own. It must have been at night because I had no idea it happened until my ultrasound the next week. But I'm familiar with the watermelon thing. :) And the needing my space thing, too. Ugh. Merry Christmas!

Heather said...

thanks for keeping me continuously entertained! Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone for your comments. Glad you enjoy my random venting and story-telling.
Aunt Betty, Betty Burn 'em that is sooooo funny!!!!! that nickname works with my first name as well. If at first we don't succeed,try, try again...right? UGH!

Jo, good to know the baby could turn even at the end. Crossing my fingers. Am I supposed to drink witch-hazel or something? haha. I think I maybe just made that up...????
