Wednesday, December 29, 2010

PG Log

Time: 2:02 a.m.

Why am I up? I'm pregnant. If you've ever been pregnant you understand I'm sure.
Why am I pregnant? If you've ever had a baby you understand I'm sure.
Why am I blogging? I don't know.

Bad cold. Day 7. Tylenol and Robitussion. I know why I can take them when pregnant - because they aren't strong enough to do anything. Coughing so hard I pulled my very weak stomach muscles while laying in bed OUCH!; which reminds me, even if I didn't have energy and time to work-out all along I should have done some sort of abdominal strength maintenance exercises, now I have zero ab strength.

Burnt toungue. Made some hot tea with honey to help soothe my throat. That's why I'm sitting here blogging (to do something while I drink my tea). Apparently I couldn't wait for the hot tea to cool just a tad before taking a big swig.

SPD. Symphis Pubic Dysfunction. (As if RLS wasn't bad enough. Restless Leg Syndrome. And the two don't complement one another). I have self-diagnosed myself with SPD. I googled it. If you've had it, you know that it's not fun. If you haven't had it this is what it is:
I can't wait to talk to my doctor about it tomorrow at my appointment and to have her tell me that it's a somewhat common thing and that I just need to be careful and limit the activities that cause the pain. Hmmm. Sitting down, getting up, kneeling and getting up, standing, walking, climbing in and out of the car, climbing in and out the shower, rolling over in bed....can I limit those activities?
Along with the fact that every second it feels like I might pee my pants....

HOW can anyone love being pregnant? Yeah yeah yeah, there is a life inside of me and it is a growing miracle, I totally get that and I do think it's totally amazing and wonderful (and now I'm going to cry), and I know that the end result is sooooo worth it (that's why I'm going through this again)...but I'm finding it difficult to find anything enjoyable and wonderful and beautiful about being pregnant. I saw some lady at the mall the other day, about my size, rubbing and rubbing and rubbing and rubbing her belly, like the whole world stopped at that moment for her to just rub and rub her belly. Eyes closed. Head slightly tilted. A moment of zen and euphoria. I don't even know what those words mean. I should google them sometime.

Thank you to my mommy who went through this for me. Thank you to Jesse's mommy who went through this for him. Thank you to our Grandma's who went through this sooo many times to build such big wonderful families. My tea is gone now. We women are amazing creatures. 8 weeks left until I get to meet an even more amazing creature and then I can put all of this misery behind me. Our sweet baby :) Until then I am hoping that some at-home prenatal yoga will help a little: increase circulation (so I don't get cramps at night and so my limbs quit falling asleep and to reduce restlessness), open up my airways so I can breathe more easily and to reduce claustrophobia, strengthen whatever muscles and joints I can possibly strengthen in the next 8 weeks - all while modifying the routine, poses, and exercises because there are certain things I just can't do thanks to ALL of the above mentioned...well except for the burnt toungue, that is kind of irrelevant and minor.

Any other suggestions for how to 'enjoy' the last 8 weeks? Don't suggest a bath. I don't enjoy the beached whale feeling.
Oh great, now I have acid indigestion/heartburn. Guess I'll grab a couple of un-helpful Tums before I hit the pillow. Morning will be here too soon!


Paige's Parents said...

Time: 3:13 a.m.
Guess what? I had to get back up. This time to eat. Do you know how hard it is to eat Life cereal out of a Tbsp measuring spoon? (I ran out of dishwasher soap and all my silverware is dirty). Going to the store takes too much energy. So does washing a spoon by hand.

Time: 3:23 a.m.
Finally got to the point where I can drink the cereal from the bowl. That is awesome.
Baby likes the cereal. Now baby is awake and kicking. Oh joy, that should really help with the falling back to sleep. I can't wait to go back to sleep so I can wake up in awhile and switch sides to relieve belly/back pressure, allow my arm and leg on one side to get circulation back AND let the sinus pressure drain from one side to the other.

Paige's Parents said...

...As if you all didn't know the reasons why you wake up all night switching sides.

So tell me again...why do some women love being pregnant?

The Parsons Family said...

My dear Brenda - sorry you have to be so miserable. Glad you are able to look beyond to the little bundle of joy you will soon be holding. I will admit that I enjoyed my pregnancies - not enough though to have 7 kids like my mom!!! Lack of sleep is hard. You will have to take naps - tell your boss you need "naptime".
Love ya, Aunt Elaine

tjp said...

Oh Brenda, I can SO relate. Pregnancy was miserable for me, too, and it always amazes me when some women say they felt better pg than not. It's just such a different experience for each person. You will get through it, but it won't necessarily be fun and easy. Just think of how GOOD you'll feel (in many different ways) when you have that baby in your arms!
Also...if your sleeplessness gets too severe, don't be afraid to ask your Dr for a med. I finally did and a full nights' sleep makes a HUGE difference.

Heather said...

aww brenda,I can relate, Ive had all those same symptoms. With my little almost 10 lb siena, i thought i was gonna burst my pubic bone in half, it is horrible! Hang in there and if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, im close by! And why cant we have the insomnia after the baby is born when our baby is waking up 45 times a nite! But no, then we want to sleep ALL nite long and then some. Its just so backwards. You have my deepest sympathy, and keep your awesome sense of humor, it will get you through this!

Joellyn said...

Hang in there! I experienced insomnia pretty bad with Eva, too. People would tell me it was just God's way of preparing me for what was to come, but that certainly didn't make me feel better! And I'm still stuck in the no sleep phase with Eva. That means I haven't had a full night of sleep in almost a year... oh well... this too shall pass :) It is all worth it.

Dale or Bonnie said...

AWWWWWW, come n let momma hug ya!
but you know... just think how many babies people might be tempted to have if there wasnt the Pain element! We might have a serious over population problem ((<:

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh Brenda, I'm so sorry for you!!It hurts my heart to think you are so miserable with this pregnancy. Noone should have to be so uncomfortable. Let alone in pain.
With my 4, I never had a single day I was Sick, it makes me feel very guilty that other people go thur so much. Maybe I have just forgotten.
Maybe you will to.