Monday, November 29, 2010


If I had time to blog this is what I would write about:
1. Office etiquette

2. Winter driving - (I'm not your typical Montana no-fear, invincible, it's only snow, winter driver...and THOSE people drive me crazy!) - er, no pun intended

3. Things that I am thankful for

4. How much I hate being pregnant

5. How much I love babies, especially my own

6. Religion, Politics and Race (haha, not really)

7. Me in the kitchen = super depressing and discouraging

8. Pumpkin Pie rocks my world

9. Christmas Trees and Lights

10. Wow, I don't even have a list of 10 things.

1 comment:

Benjamin Ranch said...

Hello Brenda...I hope you have time to write about any and all of your topics because you are a good and entertaining writer. When you figure out how to get #5 without going through #4 you can let us all know, but not to worry, soon #4 will pass and you'll have your #5. Meanwhile, I hope you get lots of #8 and #9 to brighten your days. Love ya