Monday, May 2, 2011

Top 10 things I Love about...

Aside from the fact that I love my kids because it just comes naturally and I really can't help it, and because they are Mine - pieces of me and the man I love combined into different little packages - it's a fun little exercise to make a list of the top 10 things about my kids right now. This list will change, as they change and grow, (and there will always be more than 10 things)

1. Smiles and Coos a LOT! :)
2. Kisses me back
3. Loves to snuggle
4. That wonderful baby smell
5. Eye contact with those blue eyes
6. How cute and content he is when he nurses or has his bottle
7. Never screams in his carseat, just snuggles right in
8. Little button nose
9. Strong little bobble head and how he loves to look around and "go exploring" (as Papa calls it)
10. Little noises he makes, grunts, squeals, sweet sad cries, giggles...

1. Imagination...(that's an entire blog post in itself!)
2. Such a sweet big sister
3. The things she says...(another entire blog post)
4. Her dance moves & beautiful singing
5. The pictures she draws/colors for me
6. Soooo excited for her birthday
7. So many "best friends"
8. Still loves to snuggle
9. Paige + Dadda = Fun & Laughter
10. Loves to do her homework from pre-school


Dale or Bonnie said...

oh my, the things I love about your kids.... ((<: Just so glad that you live in Kalispell so we get to see them as often as we do! Your list could be our list!

Benjamin Ranch said...

I love your certainly have a couple precious little ones!