Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sharing my birthday

Guess what - I just read NieNie today...our birthdays are on the same day! This is way better than sharing a birthday with a celebrity (like Prince William). She is one year older than me and has 4 kids! Wow.
If anyone doesn't know who I am talking about...scroll all the way down to my favorite links and read NieNie - Read back through her archives to learn her story and to get to know a very amazing and interesting person. I would love to meet her.
P.S. Also check out her AWESOME birthday party - balloons, cake and food! I should throw myself a party like that sometime! What fun it would be!


Joellyn said...

Do you read her sister cjane's blog? I've never gone through Nie Nie's archives but Ive followed both their blogs since her accident. Both very delightful writers who are great at making the mundane daily life sound like an interesting adventure. And what a heart-wrenching experience she has gone/is going through. So, happy birthday!

tjp said...

LOVE that blog!!!