Sunday, July 19, 2009

Doing Laundry

Doing a load of laundry...and this is what I first see when opening the washing machine lid:

Little tiny pieces of newspaper? How did a newspaper page get into our washing machine? We don't even get the newspaper... Wait, WHAT is THAT lining the entire tub of the machine?...Not just a page but an entire newspaper? Strange...

Oh, wait, maybe I can read some of the shavings stuck to this dish towel...
Hey! That one right there in the middle says, "Austen" - Paige was "read-read-read" reading the Baby Names book earlier, maybe she put it in the clothes hamper....but really is that what it is?

And the mystery is solved when I find the spine of the book that once was, "Baby Names"

Apparently I put items in the washing machine without looking at what I am dumping in. I'm just glad it was just a load of dish rags and dish towels and not a load of Jesse's favorite shirts or something!

Disclaimer I: Do not jump to any conclusions about why we had a Baby Names book floating around the house...we have a few other things to clear off the agenda before Paige gets to be a big sister.
Disclaimer II: I don't do silly things like this ALLLL the time...

P.S. Do not tell Paige that her favorite book was destroyed by the washing machine or she'll never let us give Stinky Teddy a bath again!


Jesse Hedeen said...

This is a good one! Right up there with the "Marshmallow Microwave Incident" and the "Tuna Fish Sandwich".

Elissa & Logan said...

hahahah i love it! oops! you could have not said anything, and said "PAIGE!!!" though ;) These days, we can blame a lot of things on Coy..hehe. (most of the thigns we blame him for ARE really his doings)
Maybe you can have the Nice Husband who cleans up after (the washer anyway) the Brillinat Wife :D

Dale or Bonnie said...

oh my goodness... what a confetti mess! Its really kindof funny that you can still read names, when you see the pile that the book turned into. It really looks about like it might if a rat had done the job for you! Paige mustve given up on that little sibling.. haha

Anonymous said...

Gross Mom! What's with mentioning a rat? EEEEWWWWW!!! :)

MaryAnn said...

LOL LOL -- too funny!!! That was a good one ~ I agree with Jesse. LOL LOL

Benjamin Ranch said...

My goodness, I know what a mess one kleenex will do in a load of laundry, I can't imagine a whole'll be picking names out of your clothes for a long time(<;

Alison said...

I wanna hear about the marshmallow and tuna incidents!

Paige's Parents said...

Hmmmm...the marshmallow and tuna fish sandwich stories...maybe some time when I have the time. Maybe.

Janette said...

I may be a little late with this comment....but I can totally understand the situation. When our kids were little I was walking through the living room with a load of laundry in my arms, when one of the kids needed something - I set the laundry down on the recliner and apparently when I picked it up again, I picked up a magazine that was on the chair with it. Same situation when I pulled the clothes out of the washer, there was lots of yucky stuff all over everything and the ink from the magazine made black marks on some of the clothes that I never did get out. And I didn't figure out what happened until I found the binding of the magazine. There were some tears over that one - we were getting ready to go on a trip, some of my good clothes were in the load and we really couldn't afford to replace them. It builds character right??? Anyway, I survived! You thought you were the only one that did that kind of thing - glad you know how to laugh at yourself! Janette