Little tiny pieces of newspaper? How did a newspaper page get into our washing machine? We don't even get the newspaper... Wait, WHAT is THAT lining the entire tub of the machine?...Not just a page but an entire newspaper? Strange...
Oh, wait, maybe I can read some of the shavings stuck to this dish towel...
Hey! That one right there in the middle says, "Austen" - Paige was "read-read-read" reading the Baby Names book earlier, maybe she put it in the clothes hamper....but really is that what it is?
And the mystery is solved when I find the spine of the book that once was, "Baby Names"
Apparently I put items in the washing machine without looking at what I am dumping in. I'm just glad it was just a load of dish rags and dish towels and not a load of Jesse's favorite shirts or something!
Disclaimer I: Do not jump to any conclusions about why we had a Baby Names book floating around the house...we have a few other things to clear off the agenda before Paige gets to be a big sister.
Disclaimer II: I don't do silly things like this ALLLL the time...
P.S. Do not tell Paige that her favorite book was destroyed by the washing machine or she'll never let us give Stinky Teddy a bath again!