Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Our little leprechaun

Blatantly ignoring the camera...apparently her mom doesn't care how good Paige doesn't feel...she insists on dressing her up and taking her picture anyway. :) Sorry Paige for the hassle, but you DID have the best outfit on at daycare, and apparently the kids loved to play with your hat as it is completely unwearable now (which I'm sure Paige is glad about!)
Notice how she is once again wearing leg warmers - a style from the 80's - she is now the proud owner of rainbow striped leg warmers and green and white striped leg warmers. This is one style from the 80's that is actually kinda cute! Anyway...
P.S. Note to Paige, you really should hold in your belly when you are standing there and getting your picture taken, whether you like it or not - US Weekly, People and Star magazine would love to get their hands on a picture like this and talk about how fat you are...even though you aren't fat at all!


Elissa & Logan said...

awww what a sweet leprechaun! did you catch the tails of her suit? hehe hope to see ya soon!

Anonymous said...

hey brenda, got your comment on facebook on my email. I never go on facebook and only signed up ao I could see Wes and Shandys India pictures, so now that theyre back im gonna get rid of it. But i just got blogged out, Im starting a personal online journal instead as for me a blog was for me to record my memories for my children and it was never really intended to be other than that. So Kari turned me on to these online journals and so thats where im heading now. We are doing great though, as soon as this morning sickness passes ill be on top of the world. Today were heading to sedona and the grand canyon and then we head to san diego and seaworld and LA and disneyland so we are enjoying life here in the 80 degree weather. keep in touch our new email is thompsongirls@gmail.com I didnt save any email addresses form our old email account so youll have to write me first. Enjoy that cute little leprechaun, shes a keeper!!