Wednesday, March 16, 2011


We think it's fun to talk about our KidS...the plural-ness of it :)

Paige is a very sweet and doting big sister. Jace is an awesome baby. He is a super content little dude and hasn't kept me from getting decent sleep except for one night in the hospital. Oh the hospital...we delivered in Whitefish again - even after our horrible experience there with Paige. My doc assured me that it would be better this time. Long story short, she told the OB Director about our experience and the OB Director and I played phone tag - so we never got to chat. (Which I didn't really care about). Anyway, we found out that she had put a note on our chart and we received excellent treatment. I don't think it was anything above and beyond the normal care given, but I sure would have loved to see what that "note" was! I think all of the nurses were definitely on their best behavior and possibly felt like they were walking on egg shells. Is that the right expression? I don't know. Which is funny because we really aren't high maintenance, we just wanted to have things go a bit more smoothly from the point of admission. Anyway, we did have a great stay up there. And labor and delivery was honestly the best and easiest part of the whole 9 months! Thanks to a VERY good epidural and my doctor/midwife, who I totally love. That epidural let me (and Jesse) take a 2 hour nap while my contractions were doing their work; and at appx. 2:10 my doctor woke me up and said, "Do you want me to check you?" 1/2 hour later Jace was born.
The first words out of Jesse's mouth were, "Hey little buddy!" That's when I knew it was a boy :)

Paige's first response when Papa and Grandma asked her if she wanted to go to the hospital and meet her new baby brother: "No I need my baby sister first."
She is over that thankfully.

Jace was already 10 lbs+ at his 2 week appointment. He has already outgrown the newborn clothes that we received from generous friends and family. He is wearing size 2 diapers and filling them often. He likes his car seat, likes the swing, and sleeps most of the night in his crib. I won't make comparisons to Paige, because I love her just the same and we've moved on, but I now know for a fact that she was kind of a naughty baby ;)

Time to fold the laundry that I washed two days ago. Lots of things get started and...eventually finished.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the update! glad to hear things are going good and jace is a super baby! he's a cute one for sure :)

love y'all-
rodney, amanda and hannah

Benjamin Ranch said...

so glad we got to meet Jace and to see you enjoying the little fella so much!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see things have settled down a little so you are blogging again. I've been checking your blog about every 5 days since January when you were "Nesting?". Anyway, I can't wait to meet the handsome little guy this weekend. That "handsome" was for your Dad. I was going to say "cute".



Joellyn said...

Ah, the trials of trying to be productive when you have a babe to take care of. Your "little buddy" is so sweet and I'm happy you got an easy one this time :) Keep up the posts- I love to read them.

Melody said...

Congratulations on that cute little baby boy! Would love to be able to hold and cuddle him. Hopefully, now that we live closer, we can come check you all out some time! Hugs to you all.
