Monday, December 15, 2008

Blether Blether and Blatha-bee, Blatha-bo

I just want to say before I go to bed, "blether blether" - that has been the most commonly used phrase by Paige and I have it stuck in my head all of the time. Seriously, you know how you can pick up phrases from people and use them without realizing it? Well..I actually realize it, but I think I picked up "blether blether" from Paige - today at work, for example, I was stirring my hot chocolate and hazlenut creamer into my coffee and while I'm standing there doing that I was saying to myself, "blether blether..." Again, I said it to myself when I was trying to make sense of a rate sheet I received from a vendor, the page looked like nothing but a bunch of numbers and all I could think was, "blether blether..." And yet again, there is a lady at work who drives me nuts, I can hardly be nice to her, and when she is blabbing away alllll daaaay long, whenever I hear her voice I say to myself, "blether blether, blether blether." It calms me and diverts my attention away from that annoying background noise. So you see, Paige's babble is not nonsense babble, adults can use it too!

The other words she uses that I love so much are blatha-bee, blatha bo -- which we have recorded of her reading a book like that, we'll get it uploaded soon hopefully - she adds emphasis on different syllabals and it is hilarious. I find myself also using this phrase from time to time...when I was digging through a file for some papers and looking for an invoice number and amount, I would go from page to page and say to myself, blatha-bee, blatha-bo, blatha-blathabee...and ah-ha, I found the invoice.

Maybe that is just my way of taking a little piece of her with me whenever I'm not around her - that and the shrine of pictures on my desk :)

Ummmm...just heard a dog woofing, sounded like it is in our house. What? Must be hanging around outside the window or door. Either way, I'm getting the baseball bat and heading to bed. I just finished my last web-cam presentation for my public speaking class - woo-hoo!!! Last day of classes is on Wednesday and I get a break until January 1st! I don't even have to express my excitement, but if you really want me too....I could. It might be fun and refreshing.... Oh yeah, I was going to bed. Last Thursday night I stayed up late doing homework, essay questions yuck, and then decided to stay up later and read some blogs, oops - I could hardly stay awake at work. In fact, I had to fill in for the receptionist and answer phones for an hour and I literally fell asleep once and the phone ringing jolted me back to life. Oops. So yeah, lesson learned, I'm going to bed...uh 15 minutes earlier than last Thursday.

P.S. Maybe tomorrow I will tell you about my recent blonde moments.


Dale or Bonnie said...

love to here about paige talking cant wait to see and here her again. enjoyed our time with you last week end. anxious to here about the blond moments. love grandpa and grandma

Danelle Parsons said...

Haha. I miss you guys!!! You make me laugh and I really do want to hear about that blonde moment. I'm back home now working a little and helping my parents out. I can 't believe the year is almost over. Michael will be heading that way in Jan and I wish i could too but I have school. Have fun over your break and relax!!!! Give paige a huge hug. Miss you!!!!