Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Dear Wednesday,
Why are you always such a loooong day?

Dear Friday Night,
I can't wait for you to come!

Dear Restless Mind,
Please just focus.

Dear Pregnancy Acne,
Go away!

Dear Pregnancy Appetite,
You are really annoying. Please just find something that you like and stick with it; Just don't let it be something too fattening or unhealty, I don't need to look like a hippo quite yet.

Dear Paige,
Please wake up on the other side of the bed tomorrow. You were a little bit too crabby this morning.

Dear Recently purchased fabric from Joannes,
I have great plans for you! Paige's new bedspread is going to be sooo cute.

Dear Paige's room,
Soon you will be decorated very cute-ly. I know it's about time.

Dear Periwinkle Toyota Tacoma,
Thanks for pulling out in front of me today and bringing me a random memory/reminisce today; It made me laugh outloud in my car...and I don't think anyone else would even think it was funny (had to be there) but me and maybe a couple girls that were 'there' - and then I heard their laughter in my head and that was a nice memory too.

Dear Carmen-the-dog,
I hope your real owners don't read my blog. I think you can sense that I'm annoyed with you because now you just annoy me more. You're just attention hungry, and sorry, Dog but I have a husband, a 3 year old and a bun in the oven, as well as me-myself-and-I, and that's how I divide my attention. Don't you have the trees to explore? Run along.

Dear Professor,
Will you please backoff with the reading assignments; Reading 90 pages of tax literature in one-week is out of control. Besides, you are making me really scared to take the CPA exams.

Dear fellow student,
It's ok to procrastinate and leave projects to the very end if they're your own, but NOT when it's a group project!!!

Dear Franklin Covey,
You make amazing planners; I don't know what I would do without you.

Dear Citibank,
Please stop calling every hour. We don't have your credit card and we don't want your credit card. If you're going to call people in the U.S. you'll probably have better luck if you use customer service persons who speak English clearly. Americans don't take kindly to outsourcing...I know I has it's benefits; but your annoying phone calls is not one of them. I don't really care, and I'm not prejudice at all, and I don't think that the whole world should just automatically speak English and forget about their own language. What I'm saying is that company's like yourself shouldn't totally rule out housing call centers in the United States just for the sake of your people. I'm just saying...well, I could handle one phone call but not 12. OK?

Dear Grocery Store,
I'm sorry. I was going to come in. But I pulled into the parking lot and parked my car. And then I just didn't have the energy to get out of my car, get Paige out of her carseat, walk all the way into the store, push around the cart, pick up things, and pay for them, carry them back to the car, load them up, put Paige back in her carseat, drive home, carry groceries up the stairs. Well I was only going to get a frozen pizza anyway...and then I decided that it probably wouldn't be worth the effort. So maybe I'll come in another day. When I absolutely have to.

Dear Video on Facebook (posted by Heather Thompson),
I just watched you three times. Apparently I like to cry. Not just little tears - I'm talking, streaming tears, lump in the throat, catches your breath kind of cry. I have always tried to imagine the overwhelming emotions that soldiers have when they finally get to come home, if even for a visit. And I've tried to imagine the feelings that a young lady would feel when her fiance' or husband is on his way home. I've thought about that before a few different times (1) When I was working at the airport and witnessed homecoming/greetings and (2) When my cousin Ken came home from Iraq to his waiting girlfriend and parents. But I never imagined the Surprise homecomings. Wow. So cool. And the kids hugging their daddies, and the daddies hugging their kids. That just breaks your heart, and warms your heart, makes you cry, and makes you smile...all at once. I guess it's necessary, we need soldiers, and we need to defend our country, but really? I tip my hat.

Dear Frozen Pizza,
I kinda wish I had gone into the grocery store now. But I don't even know what kind of frozen pizza to buy! Where is the Schwan's man when you need him? The Schwan's man probably says that about my mom...Where is my best customer when I need her? Sure could use the sales this week! Oh, back to you, pizza. I don't even know why I think I want you. I'm sure the sauce won't settle well.

Dear Maternity Shirts,
You look really frumpy right now. Not quite ready for you. But I think I'll take a picture just because it will be funny to compare how you fit now, to how you'll fit in the end! For now I'll just look like I'm going to rip the seams of my normal clothes.

Dear Paige (again),
You are so cute with your chocolate milk addiction. At least you're getting calcium and protein. And I love it when you say, "Momma, sit by me" and I love how much you love to cuddle. And you say thank-you for everything which is totally sweet and makes me happy. And I love it when you want me to take something from you and you say, "Here, take, take." You're such a big girl and you do a fabulous job of cleaning your feet and toes with soap in the bath. I can't wait to watch you as a big sister.

Dear Jesse,
Hurry home.

That's my thoughts for the day.


tjp said...

Awesome. Love it. You should definitely do these letters more often.
ps. I hope your restless legs are better...seriously annoying side effect of being pg. : (

Elissa & Logan said...

Dear Brenda,
Great post!
P.S. I hope you get your energy back soon!
P.S.S. Im sure Jesse has plenty of energy to get that frozen pizza for ya ;)

Joellyn said...

Ugh. You make me exhausted just thinking about being pregnant. Get some rest!

Benjamin Ranch said...

When you commented on my blog, I thought I should look and see if you posted, and great!! you did! thanks for sharing the window to peak in on your thoughts and life. Great post. I especially love the one to sweet. Hang in there! Love ya

Heather said...

awesome post, i loved it and it brought a big ol smile to my day!! you are just awesome.

Ellen said...

Love It! That's all I can say :-)

Alison said...

Brenda! I just read this and wept and laughed. SERIOUSLY! I can't even function right now. I understand everything that you wrote so entirely and completely right now!!! I went to the grocery store a few weeks back (without the kids) and I just sat in the van for about and hour before I finally drug myself out of the van and into the store. I just HAD to do it but I had a horrible time making myself actually follow through with it. Why does such a simple routine thing seem so utterly impossible!? And the letter to the appetite. I would be happy to just eat one food, every day, every meal if only it would taste good and settle well.

Well, hang in their! And start feeling better SOON! I'm not to far behind you.

Dale or Bonnie said...

Dear daughter,
You always have been good writing your thoughts and journaling! Probably good therapy for you! And, its good for me, to know how you are really doing... you know, when we automatically say, "how are you?"... and then the auto. answer "Fine"... which isnt really always so completely true!! Hope tomorrow is a better day!
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Oh Brenda - you are hilarious!!! I loved reading these letters and look forward to going up the page and reading more after I post this! What an awesome way to write in your blog! You are so precious!!!
