Thanks for your comment. It did feel really good to spill all my thoughts across the keyboard! I recommend it to everyone. I'll try not to overkill though. Restless legs are ok, I've kept it at bay with the Cal-Mag supplement. Best advice ever from anyone!
Dear Elissa,
I am definitely hoping for a 2nd trimester boost of energy. Jesse did get me a delicious frozen pizza the next day, after reading my post.
Thanks for your comment! Congrats on your new house.
Dear JoEllyn,
I get rest when I can. Sometimes I fall asleep at my desk. I know my pg journey hasn't been as long and traumatic as your last one was! Thanks for the encouragement and kind words. Can't wait to see all three of your girls and you!...sometime...
Dear Aunt Linda,
Thanks for your comments, always. Your blog is fun to read and I dont' always leave comments. You're right, usually if I have time to leave a comment I probably have time to do my own blogpost. My favorite letter was the one to Paige too...I am so thankful for that little ray of sunshine in my life! (Not that my life is gloomy, it really isn't at all...and there are lots of rays of sunshine...but you know we all have our days)...
Dear Heather,
I miss your blog. But you're fun to be friends with on facebook (oh, and in real life too!). Did you get my silly voice message the other day about the pig? Sorry. After I called and started leaving the message I remembered that you didn't have your pig anymore. I guess it was a different neighbors pig walking down the road. Who knew we lived on such a farm street!
Dear Ellen,
I'm still giggling over Quiana thinking that school is a pain because she can't talk. I totally sympathize. It was really hard to be quiet! (Pretty sure I just wasn't). Tell her that I said the tickets and treasure box aren't really worth it anyway. hehe.
Dear Alison,
I'm so sorry to hear that you're not having fun either...but kinda glad to know that I'm not totally crazy for sitting in my car, in a daze, in the parking lot at the grocery store. I mean, if Alison does it, it can't be that crazy! Nice to know we have each other's TOTAL sympathy... I'm already on to my second bottle of Tums. My favorite kind is Wild Berry. What's yours?
Oh and I found ginger candy at Withey's - it's spicy cinnamon apple pie flavor and really tasty; not sure if Ginger helps your nausea or not? It hasn't really helped me but I pretend....
Dear Dad and Mom,
I like it when you leave comments on my blog. They're sweet. Just like sweet birthday cards and stuff from you. I can't count how many times somebody has asked "How are you doing" and you just say "Good" because you know that they probably really don't need/want an earful. I hope I don't vent too much to you. Am I a complainer? I hope not. Maybe just a typical female blabber mouth. Definitely more of one than you are! How did I learn to complain? It's not like I ever hear you complain. Hmmmm....
Now for a couple more misc. letters - since it's a-n-o-t-h-e-r Wednesday (yuck).
Dear New Surprise Pregnancy Symptom,
Well we won't say your name outloud but you really came uninvited. You know what I had to do because of you? I had to go to Walgreens and buy something today that was more embarassing than buying tampons was the first time I had to buy them myself (that was a long time ago, wow). I had to buy other random things like nail polish, nail polish remover, bandaids and eye shadow just to distract the cashier and people in line; I mean what if I bought just 'that' - may as well turn the blinking lights and siren on at the checkout stand. You know what, I can't even spell you. I googled you and got a response back from Google that said "Did you mean? _____" with the correct spelling. As if to rub it in my face (thank you, Google) with a smug reminder about what I was really searching for. You know what Dear Symptom? I was just thinking, you would be a great spelling bee word, how many 7th graders would know how to spell you? Besides the fact that it would be really embarassing and awkward to repeat you twice and use you in a sentence. I think you get my drift. You're a complete and total pain in the butt (oops, pardon the pun)...ahem, well anyway you're totally annoying AND you're hard to spell.
Dear Summer,
Go ahead and leave us, I can tell you're trying. I can't wait for winter this year because that's just one step closer to February!!!! Ok, well maybe not winter himself, but the months of winter. Besides today I saw a lady walking down the street in a hooded sweatshirt and I thought it looked really comfy. I really do love you Summer (and hate winter) but this year is just different. I need life to slow down because I would feel better about sitting at home and doing homework if there wasn't so many better things to do. And just think about how wondeful next summer will be - hopefully we'll have Paige's bike fixed so she can ride it and we'll have a baby to play with and I'll have so much more time to be the mommy that I need to be. Maybe Paige will even get to do swimming lessons. Maybe we'll go to the park more than three times. So definitely come back, in fact, if you want to come back earlier than normal, let's say...March!
Well.....I was going to stop there....but I just have to slam something out, because something has officially ruined my day. The whole situation happened last year and I beat myself up over it for days and finally moved on with life, only to see (today) that the case finally closed and now I am brooding over it again.
Dear People who I ran into last year,
You make me sick. Yeah, I was the dumb chic who ran into you, but it was a side-swipe that didn't even make a dent, just a long scratch and it's only because my car is an old hunk of really heavy metalsteel (yes I said metalsteel), if I were driving the nice lightweight Mazda3 I once owned you probably wouldn't have even had a scratch. Regardless, there is NO way that I caused $16,000 of bodily damage to you and your stupid husband. You work for a chiropractor, so OF COURSE you racked up that much chiropractor care. You disgust me. I love it that when your stupid attorney (really, you got an attorney?) called me to get my insurance claim number and left me a message that you were injured and requiring medical attention, so I called you and said in my totally-fake drippingly sweet voice, "I'm sorry I hurt you. Are you ok?" And you responded, "Well, uh, uh, duh, uh, not like broken arms or anything, just woke up with headaches and sore shoulders and stuff." Yeah well you know what? You give me a migraine!!!!!
Oh and the fact that you got some previous hood damage repaired while getting the paint scratches fixed is also insane; how did I cause hood damage when I didn't even come close to the front of your car and again only put a nice long scratch on your passenger side doors? No dent at the point of impact but a nice dent on your hood? Hmmmm.
Again, people like you, especially you, make me sick...and you are what is wrong with our countries insurance problems, medical and vehicle. It's not that the insurance companies are greedy, they exist to make a profit. Duh! No, the reason why insurance is so expensive and why insurance companies are such a pain to deal with, is because of the overwhelming amount of completely outrageous claims that people make. We have insurance because accidents happen. That doesn't mean that you should just go and get some bonus massages and super-fun x-rays just because you don't have to pay for it. I bet if you had to pay for it you would have been just fine. Congratulations on your free lunches. Unfortunately, your free lunches were paid for by everyone else. Aren't you cool.
Oh and your attorney. Grrrr. He has a reputation in Missoula and I know all about it. And my Progressive claims representative groaned when he found out who your attorney was. And he disgusts me even more than you. He is the leader and instigator of all of the stupid people like you who sit around and wait for your chance to milk a system for all it's worth. I know he coached you every step of the way, because that's what he does. I hope his big beautiful attorney's office falls off into the river. No actually I don't, because he'll likely go after the city and blame the city for erosion and then everyone's taxes will pay for his new office building.
I wish I could knock all your heads together.
Dear Progressive,
I'm sorry. You've been good to me.
Dear Brenda,
Pay attention when you're driving honey. I know you were in a daze, you had just made a special quick trip to the mall to get that cute skirt for Paige's holiday pictures. And you were having a chat with yourself about how you probably didn't need to spend that much on a skirt that she probably will wear once or twice. And you obviously just forgot that you had to watch for oncoming traffic when turning right on red. No wait, you actually did look and the lane closest to you was free but where you failed was when you pulled into the far lane in a moment of pure space-case-isity. Just pay attention and think about driving when you're driving, not shopping.
Ok. Now THAT is closure!!!
Over and out.