A lunch-break blog post. What a concept. So I have a story for you. It's titled Classic for two reasons (1) It's about my car, which is, if you don't know, my Grandma's car, a Cutlass Cierra Classic and (2) This is (sadly) a Classic Brenda story, as someone already pointed out. I don't even know why I tell these stories on myself, except that I just find humor in them rather than letting it ruin my self-esteem.
I went out last night to buy a baby gift for my new niece. Hannah, this is your fault! (just kidding, I can't wait to meet you tonight and kiss you on your cute little nose).
I’m driving in a 45 mph zone and definitely not going over 45 (and now you have probably guessed that this involves a cop)...yes...
I drove through an intersection and noticed a cop. My psycho-phobia about cops kicks in. Is psycho-phobia a word? If not, I just made it up to describe myself and my great dislike for cats and dogs and cops. In case you don't know, I have apparently been pulled over so many times that I swear they're all out there to get me and every time I see a cop, even in the distance, my heart starts pounding and I get really nervous. So anyway, I know that I was doing nothing wrong but still am watching in my rear view mirror for him and sure enough he turns and speeds up to catch me and turns his lights on to pull me over. "WHAT?"...instant adrenaline rush and I am not an adrenaline junky so don't think I like this for a second. Verge of tears, actually.
Obviously, I pull over. He sits in his car behind me forevvvvver and I’m just sitting there waiting. He finally comes up and shines his lights all over (like he is looking for drugs or illegal immigrants) and then asks me how I’m doing. I wanted to hate him except that he was attractive and nice. (Sorry Jesse, I promise he was not even close to your caliber). He proceeds to tell me that he was pulling me over because the little light bulb that is supposed to shine on my license plate is burned out. I said, (probably with a goofy look on my face), “What? I didn’t even know that existed. Will you show me?” So we go and look at it, and it’s not burnt out, just dim and covered in dirt. So then he tells me that he actually has to have two reasons to pull me over and the other one was the crack that goes all the way across my windshield. So “he has probable cause to pull me over” – I think he was starting to feel bad because he could sense my distress and tells me not to worry he’s not going to give me a citation, but with two reasons to pull someone over they’re supposed to. (blah blah blah).
Then he asks me if I am ok. And I said, “Well yeah, now that I know why you pulled me over. I KNEW I wasn’t speeding!”
Then I told him that the windshield crack didn’t impair my vision and I didn’t really want to put any money into fixing the windshield because this is a temporary vehicle and not worth the investment. He asks me why it’s a temporary vehicle so I told him a quick summary about how/why we bought the car and he asked for how much and then he says, “sweet deal.” I also casually mentioned that it was my Grandma's car to make sure he knew it had some sort of sentimental value if nothing else. Mind you, now I have sat back down in my seat but the door is open and I’m sure he noticed the duck tape on the inside door panel, (I don’t even know why that is there). He takes a step back and does a once over on my car and says that it’s not THAT bad of a car and I looked at him like he needed to quit lying. (Sorry Grandma, it was a great car for you I know). So then he told me, “It actually fits you pretty well!” I said, “Oh THANKS!” And he goes, “No you look like you need an Escalade.” Nice back-pedaling dude.
Then he asks me if I’ve ever been pulled over before. I said yes. And he asks surprised, Really? What for?....….I told him that I didn’t really want to tell him because it was embarrassing but I told him about my license plate story. I didn’t tell him about the numerous speeding tickets and pull-overs of my past. Nothing on my record, no need to mention them.
And then when I’m leaving I have to do my manual blinker and I’m thinking, Please don’t let him notice my funky blinker.
Seriously, Do I have a bumper-sticker that says, I am suspicious pull me over…?
This confirms it, I really am not sure that this car and I are meant to be together, but I'll keep bombing around in it for awhile just because I don't feel like spending money on buying a car right now. Unfortunately, I was JUST getting over my major freaking out issue whenever I saw a cop (from the last undisclosed incident), and now I'm back to being super jumpy again. This morning a blinking red traffic light caught my eye in my rear-view mirror and my heart skipped a few beats.