Done with another session of classes. Just finished two finance classes that were pretty fun. I had to do a huge analysis project about two publicly traded companies and calculate financial ratios for three years (using income statements, balance sheets, and stock information). I feel very smart that I completed it and didn't feel totally lost when I was doing it.
Tomorrow I start into two new classes for another six week session. The two classes are Cultural Diversity and Human Relations which is a psychology class...guess I missed out on those two 'generals' before. I'll be glad to get them out of the way. I definitely have lots of PE credits from playing basketball...and I took a hip-hop dance class...and a piano class...those were the fun days of college. haha. Seriously, though, they do require classes like that!
I just mapped out my seven mile run for the morning. We live at the base of the south hills of Missoula and I decided I really need to run somewhere different than down 39th and Higgins. So I'm going to run straight up the hill, across the hill and back down, making a seven mile circle back to my house. That'll get the legs burning.
Fitting running into the schedule has been tough - but I'm always glad when I go...and I HAVE to do it or I won't be able to finish the marathon, so...14 miles on Saturday. I ran the Missoula Half Marathon a couple weekends ago and was very pleased with how I felt, and with my time. I ran with Carla, who I worked with at GB in Kalispell, and her sister - both Chicago marathon veterans. I'll be running with Carla this year in Chicago...her sister will be way ahead as she is trying to get a Boston Marathon qualifying time.
My job is getting better. At first I did not enjoy it and found it not to be what I was expecting it to be. Luckily, my supervisor just asked me to move into a different position and tackle a huge monster project. I won't get into the details - but let's just say that it's a challenge that I'm excited about. My work days are so busy, and there are big rewards ahead. I told the girls at GBCI before I moved, that I was going to take on a new persona at my new job as the "Quiet girl" They all laughed and took bets on how long it would last. Well...two people today told me that I was the quietest person that's ever worked in the office! I was glad to hear that for two reasons: 1) It means that I CAN go without telling stores and blabbing... and 2) It means that I am working hard and getting stuff done. The reason I have such a huge monster project is probably because the person who's position I moved into is no longer there because she DID talk too much and work too little. Best part is (about the new position) that I don't have to deal with the truck drivers. If they were all as nice and gentlemanly as Uncle Ed it'd be alright, but they're not! Enough about the job.
Jesse starts school on the 22nd of August and is looking forward to it. He has a jam-packed schedule and will be very busy. For now, Paige and him are hanging out in the day and they're just the best little buddies. He's been working at Gold's gym but will probably not even be able to do that when school starts - then he'll focus on school and training a few clients in the evenings.
Paige is sweet and fun as ever. She gives us kisses all the time. She loves all of our neighborkids. We live in a great kid-friendly neigborhood. Some very nice kids. One girl calls Paige "pay-pay," and Jesse told her one day, "Anytime the silver car is out there you can come knock on the door because that means that Brenda and Paige are home." She knocks on the door everyday! She's sweet though, so it's ok. Paige stands on the sidewalk and yells at the kids until they come running over and shower her with attention.
Enough writing - here is a picture of our place. Come see us sometime - we can go shopping!