Sunday, December 30, 2007

Look Mom! No Hands!

7 Months old and...
Paige started crawling on Tuesday the 19th and is getting around great. But her new big-girl thing is standing up without holding onto anything....for about 10 seconds. She enjoys it very much - stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down.....

Friday, December 28, 2007


Paige is the master of Peek-A-Boo. It's our favorite game to play; and now she is the one that hides and pops up...peeks through the crib, pulls herself up to peek over the top of the crib, then sits down and hides, giggles...then back through it all...over and over.
So cute - even when it's past her bedtime!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy Holidays

Oops - a day late on my Merry Christmas posting. Hope everyone had a great xmas day. We had a BIG family dinner at my parents - over 50 people; mostly Braaten's and Christensen's. Very fun!

Anyways, because of recent events (good excuse) I wasn't able to get christmas card pictures made up as I had planned...maybe a New Year's wish will be coming your way instead - oh wait that's next week. Valentines cards maybe? Until then, here is a little glimpse at my attempt of a home-made photo shoot in a new christmas dress.

Nice Backdrop - The Crib???? The teddy bears and red blanket were supposed to hide that.

By this time - we had done so much bouncing around and lunging for the camera, that the headband was all out of place and it seemed like the impossible task....

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Faking it! As soon as she opened her eyes and saw the camera, it was all smiles!

Daddy's Girl

Paige's favorite thing to do is wrestle around with dad on the floor! She crawls all over him...hmmmm.... I think she learned that from some other kids.